Ok, lets go…
Hi, you might have noticed i havent been getting much done on the website. Sorry, just been busy.
but i cant leave it blank, so here’s a fast and dirty.
My name is Brandon Marcus Williams, I changed the Marcus to Marquette, after the small town in kansas where my grandparents had a farm. Very specail to me, and quite formative too. I draw animals alot.
I lived in alaska from 2002-2014, had a great job and met cool people. i’ll be making a comic that features these stories heavily. Plus dinosaurs.
Im off track.
So, i had two kids, met my wife in las vegas, started OCA around then too. I ended up in chicago. Then COVID happened, i went blind from catatracts and ended up living in Gary indiana.
MRBEAST from youtube saw my GOFUNDME, proving that the site is just “medical care roulette” but hey, I can see again!
Then i had a seizure. Led to another long years.
Turns out; the benefits of being on seizure medication + depression medication +losing a vehicle + going through a horrible custody battle that left no one involved very happy is that I lost a lot of weight.
I wouldn’t recommend it, but I’m 100LBs down and look great :)
Now Im 41, my third child will be born in July, and I am a Senior at The School of the Art Institute (SAIC). (oh yah I also got a full ride college scholarship)
things are going pretty well. This summer will be a big one for my art and I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Ok, back to the art now.